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Greetings on the Spring Equinox!

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Spring Equinox - Ostara - March 20 (Northern Hemisphere) Today is the official beginning of springtime. After the long cold winter, the air is now alive with promises of new growth, fertility, and swelling buds on all the trees, and new love. Soon there will be flowers everywhere. This is a time of balance, when day and night are of equal length. From this point on, we celebrate the oncoming season of longer days and shorter nights
<BGSOUND src="bluemountain_spring_files/music.mid" loop=infinite>     

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"Spring Equinox Greetings"
by Faith

MIDI Music "Dr Gradus ad Parnassum" by Debussy,
arranged, and programmed by Richard A. James, © Copyright (P) 1998. All rights reserved

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